Saturday, October 27, 2012

Final Child Abuse Awareness Poster

Here is my final Awareness poster, I look forward to your comments.

version 2 for Holly with new font suggestion

I will start with how I got there.


I used a gradient background that I created starting at black, then navy and to gray. pulling it down.

Added a black beveled sidebar with a large shadow, putting in text in a vertical format. Then I added a soft gray outer glow to the text.

I cropped out via a mask of the background and feathered the edge to leave a soft border.  I left it color to be dramatic. Next I added text around the image and put a horizontal warp on both, making the word Child In caps to stand out.

Next I added a silhouette of a women, and maked the inside to incorporate the abused children to look like a reflection or past images.  Once inside the mask, I blended them and dropped them to about 25% opacity. I outline the image the baby at the bottom to give it space.  Then I beveled with a hard chisel the silhouetteto make it stand up a little from the background to get this final image.
I look forward to your comments, I hope you like it, I would actually love to use this poster in some way.  Ashlea Garrand
Photo Credits:
sleeping baby image, Aussie baby who forgets to breath when sleeping, by Carly Youd
silhouette-woman.png, silhouette of Lynne Davies,board of directors.


470_947445.jpg, Helping Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Victims in Florida, Today: The Experiences of Hundreds, Thousands, Quite Possibly Millions of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Victims in Florid, by , Yahoo! Contributor Network

55687909.jpg, website:,

stop-child-abuse-1.jpg, Social Problem: Child Abuse Website:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Child Abuse - Awareness Poster

The topic that I chose to do my awareness poster is on child abuse.
I have drawn out some concept sketches here, but I am unclear of the direction that I am going with this poster yet.  There are so many forms of child abuse and so many angles that I am having trouble picking one.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Draighean Band Part 2

In starting this project I reviewed over 100 photos of my trip to Ireland.  It was a tough choice my I narrowed it down to using the following pictures to create my poster.  I needed to also pull in a few stock photos, as I didn't have any good lightning shots or celtic tatoos.
Now to pull it all together.

Work cited:
Lighting photo.  dreamstime_m_222073.jpg,
Stormy sky.  stormy_sky_12_by_Tash_stock.jpg

Celtic Tatoos.
Lindisfarne Knot.
Celtic Knot patterns.

I had to draw the bands logo because I wasn't happy with any of the fonts, so I drew it scanned it in, cleaned it up in corel draw imported it, and gave it a texture and and outline with a green overlay.

As for the text I added some glow with a slight drop shadow to make it stand out from the background and give it some dimension.
This project was definately alot of work and challenging. I believe that the poster is effective because it clearly shows it is Irish related. It states Celtic Rock and shows an edgy image from the norm. Celtic Rock is a newer rendition of celtic music. I think the castle grabs your attention and the white fonts sends the message. So here is the finished project.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Draighean Band Poster

I love Irish music, so when we were given the project of a fictitious band it was an easy choice for me.   My concept is a poster for this new Celtic Rock Band named Draighean.  They are a very high energy rock group with a very Irish twist.  Very entertaining and exciting.  The poster is being designed for their debut at a large irish pub.

