Monday, December 17, 2012

AG Photography Portfolio_webiste


I think this website is effective, because it is attractive.  The colors and shapes POP.  I used contrasting colors and utilized my logo for branding. I think it gives some depth with the shadows and layers.  It keeps it interesting.  I used several masks, shadows, gradients, some of the new brushes, opacity, cloning, and strokes. I tried to keep the format simply and easy to follow as well as keep it bright and cheery.  I think it really captures the essence of my work and who I am as an artist.  I really look forward to your input as I am planing on using this as my live portfolio / website and would love your feedback.  Thank you it has been great working with all of you in this class.

Friday, December 14, 2012


This project was alot of fun, because I am using it to actually develop my portfolio for real.  So I would really love any input. I think it is effective because I think it will show who I am and give the person some insight to who I am and what style of photography and editing I am capable of. 
I am very interested in any feedback you can give me.  Thank You!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Recycling E-Card Final

Front Cover
Inside Page

Back Page

I think this is effective because it is simple, and it reminds people that plastic can go alot farther than the dump.  Recycling can extend the life of plastic a long time, and there are alot of ways to reuse plastic.  Hope you like it. I look forward to your feedback.
Front Cover:  Photo of landfill, added a slight blur to remove some of the detail of the garbage.  Then I added some black and white layer to the background with a grain.  I felt this helped obscure the photo a bit, still giving you a sense of a landfill, without all of the details.  I added some to the photo on the right so I had more of an image on the right.  I needed more photo.   Masked out the background of the bottles, and added some contrast and lighting to bring attention to them.  I also played with the gamma correction on the bottles a bit.  I added a mask over the big bottle to obscure the brand and drew a face on it, crying.  The text I added a slight drop shadow.

The Inside page:  Started with a basic green background. I added a yellow circle with a faded glow to draw attention to the bottles.  I masked out the background of the bottles and boosted the vibrance a little.  I added the thought bubbles with a small stroke.  Found photos of each some plastic recycled end product to give the consumer ideas of what recycled bottles can become instead of sitting in a landfill.  Each photos has an inside bevel, to give it the appearance of looking in.

The Back page:  I played around with text size and also added a stroke to the text.  I added the recycling chart as a guide to encourage people to recycle.  Then I added a recycling symbol, with a 50 % opacity, to obscure it a bit.

Hope you like it!  

recycling E Card

Below are some concepts for the E card.  I have decided to go with recycling.  We are big into recycling at my house, and it is something everyone can do, and we can make a difference!  We just need to promote more how it helps and what it creates.